Meichen Liu

Meichen Liu

Year 2022-2023 Research Description Insights on earthquake and heterogeneity in Earth’s deep interior.
Jeroen Ritsema

Jeroen Ritsema

My research involves planetary-scale seismology and geophysics with a focus on seismic imaging of Earth’s mantle, the interpretation of ground-motion recordings curated by IRIS, and the computation of seismic wave fields using spectral-element methods. Current...
Mark Flanner

Mark Flanner

Professor Flanner’s research ambitions lie in understanding large-scale energy transport in Earth’s climate system, with particular focus on the roles of the cryosphere (including seasonal snow cover, glaciers, and sea-ice) and atmospheric aerosols. To...
Gregory J. Dick

Gregory J. Dick

Microbial communities host incredible biological diversity that is encoded at the genomic level. The recent application of high-throughput DNA-sequencing technologies to these communities provides exciting new insights into uncultured organisms while presenting new...