Walter Mebane

Walter Mebane

My primary project, election forensics, concerns using statistical analysis to try to determine whether election results are accurate. Election forensics methods use data about voters and votes that are as highly disaggregated as possible. Typically this means polling...
Kathryn Luker

Kathryn Luker

As an expert in molecular imaging of single cell signaling in cancer, I develop integrated systems of molecular, cellular, optical, and custom image processing tools to extract rich data sets for biochemical and behavioral functions in living cells over minutes to...
Paul Zimmerman

Paul Zimmerman

From elementary chemical reactions to exciton dynamics in solar cells, chemistry is a particularly rich field for atomistic simulation. Research in the Zimmerman group develops and employs a broad spectrum of computational techniques to chemical problems. Special...
Monica Valluri

Monica Valluri

Her research is based on the theoretical framework of Galactic Dynamics. Two profoundly mysterious unseen components of galaxies are central supermassive black holes and dark matter halos (massive, invisible halos of matter whose presence is inferred only from their...
Quentin Stout

Quentin Stout

Most of his research and teaching involves parallel computing of some form: design of scalable algorithms and data structures; applications to numerous scientific problems such as a large multidisciplinary team modeling space weather or a small interdisciplinary group...
Chris Quintana

Chris Quintana

Chris Quintana is an Associate Professor in the School of Education. He is a principal investigator in the Center for Highly Interactive Classrooms, Curricula, and Computing in Education. His research is focused on software-based scaffolding for middle school science...
Brendan Kochunas

Brendan Kochunas

Brendan Kochunas is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Science. Dr. Kochunas work focus on high performance computing methods, especially parallel algorithms for the 3D Boltmann Transport Equation. He is the lead developer...
Eric Johnsen

Eric Johnsen

His research interests lie in the development of numerical methods and models for massively parallel computations of fluid mechanics problems on modern computing architectures, including GPUs. He specifically focuses on high-order accurate finite...
Bryan Goldsmith

Bryan Goldsmith

Bryan Goldsmith is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering. His works focus on the development of novel catalysts and materials. The world is facing a growing population, mass consumerism, and rising greenhouse gas levels, all the while people...
C. Alberto Figueroa

C. Alberto Figueroa

Alberto Figueroa is a Professor with a joint appointment in Biomedical Engineering and Vascular Surgery. He works on computational methods for patient-specific cardiovascular simulation. Modeling the function of the cardiovascular system in health and disease...