Sabine Loos

Sabine Loos

My research focuses on natural hazards and disaster information, everything from understanding where disaster data comes from, how it’s used, and its implications to design improved disaster information systems that prioritize the human experience and lead to more...
Max Z. Li

Max Z. Li

Max’s research interests lies in the design, management, and optimization of large-scale infrastructure systems, focusing on the air transportation system and emerging aerial mobility systems. He is interested in the application of methods applicable to networked...
Ivo Dinov

Ivo Dinov

Mathematical representations of big data, spacekime analytics, computational statistics, , longitudinal morphometric studies of development (e.g., Autism, Schizophrenia), maturation (e.g., depression, pain) and aging (e.g., Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease)....
Fadhl Alakwaa

Fadhl Alakwaa

Fadhl Alakwaa is a computational biologist working on large biological datasets such as transcriptomics, metabolomics, and proteomics. He used bioinformatics tools such as Seurat and Scanpy to analysis the data. He used other tools such as Slingshot to predict cell...
Yang Zhang

Yang Zhang

Our research can be summarized in two words: Matter and Machine. On the Matter side, Z lab studies far-from-equilibrium physics. They synergistically combine and push the boundaries of statistical and stochastic thermodynamic theories, accelerated molecular...
Shasha Zou

Shasha Zou

Shasha Zou is an Associate Professor of Climate and Space Science and Engineering. Her general research interest is about studying the dynamic interaction between the Sun’s extended atmosphere, i.e., solar wind, and the near-Earth space environment. In...
Michal Zochowski

Michal Zochowski

Michal Zochowski is a Professor in the Departments of Physics and Biophysics Program. His research interests lie in the intersection of physics and neuroscience. His group focuses on understanding the mechanisms of the formation of spatio-temporal patterns in coupled...
Paul Zimmerman

Paul Zimmerman

From elementary chemical reactions to exciton dynamics in solar cells, chemistry is a particularly rich field for atomistic simulation. Research in the Zimmerman group develops and employs a broad spectrum of computational techniques to chemical problems. Special...
Robert Ziff

Robert Ziff

Professor Ziff carries out computational and theoretical studies of various physical problems, most notably percolation but also catalysis modeling and several reaction/diffusion systems.  For percolation, he has developed various algorithms that have allowed...
Lulu Zhao

Lulu Zhao

Dr. Lulu Zhao is an assistant research scientist in the Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering. Her research focus is the modelling of the acceleration and transport of energetic particles using M-FLAMPA (multiple-field-line-advection-model with particle...