XSEDE HPC HPC Summer Boot Camp

OVERVIEW XSEDE, along with the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center is pleased to present a Hybrid Computing workshop. This 4 day event will include MPI, OpenMP, GPU programming using OpenACC and accelerators. This workshop will be remote to desktop only due to the...

GIS Fundamentals – Spatial Database, PostGIS

PostGIS, built on top of PostgreSQL, is the most powerful open-source relational database for managing spatial data. In this workshop we will cover the basic concept of spatial databases, learn about setting PostGIS, and understand how PostGIS can help us manage large...

GIS Fundamentals – V (Spatial Database – PostGIS)

This is the fifth workshop in a series of workshops we are offering this semester on the fundamentals of GIS. Each workshop covers one or two key elements of GIS and is somewhat self-contained. The focus is on conceptual details that can provide sufficient preparation...

CoreLogic property data

The University of Michigan library system has licensed a large data set containing real estate transactions, deeds, and property tax records for the United States.  The data were collected by the commercial vendor CoreLogic, and our license allows UM researchers to...

XSEDE: Python Tools for Data Science

OVERVIEW Python has become a very popular programming language and software ecosystem for work in Data Science, integrating support for data access, data processing, modeling, machine learning, and visualization. In this webinar, we will describe some of the key...