GIS Fundamentals – Height and Vertical Datum

Understanding how heights are measured and recorded in GIS systems are essential for many applied tasks such as modeling flood risk due to sea level rise. In this workshop we will understand vertical datums, the concept of height, and what do terms like orthometric...

GIS Fundamentals – Spatial Database, PostGIS

PostGIS, built on top of PostgreSQL, is the most powerful open-source relational database for managing spatial data. In this workshop we will cover the basic concept of spatial databases, learn about setting PostGIS, and understand how PostGIS can help us manage large...

GIS Fundamentals – (PostGIS-II)

This workshop will further develop the material covered on spatial databases in the first workshop a few weeks back. PostGIS is the most widely used spatial database and is built on top of PostgreSQL, a powerful open source relational database. The focus of this...

GIS Fundamentals – (Map visualization – II)

This workshop will further develop the material covered on mapping in the first workshop a few weeks back. We will focus on basic cartography principles for map-making and explore the functionalities of R and QGIS for making production-quality bi-variate static and...

Open Source GIS Tools

This workshop will provide a fast paced introduction to open source GIS tools, especially QGIS (but also R). We will explore QGIS’s power and functionalities for manipulating and analyzing vector GIS data. The workshop will be especially useful for students and...

Introductory GIS

This workshop will cover introductory GIS concepts, tools, and techniques. We will use ArcGIS to learn basics of GIS by solving 2-3 specific problems. We will use the graphical user interface of ArcGIS and no programming experience is required for this workshop. The...

Open Source GIS

This workshop will provide a gentle introduction to open source GIS tools in R and QGIS. We will cover introductory GIS concepts and will explore the functionalities of R and QGIS for manipulating and analyzing vector GIS data. Familiarity with R is required.

Open Source GIS

This workshop will provide a fast paced introduction to georeferenced vector data analysis. We will explore the power and functionalities of QGIS and R for reading, manipulating, and analyzing vector GIS data. Participants will also learn to generate production...

Geometric Network Analysis

This workshop will cover GIS concepts and techniques for analyzing geometric networks embedded in geographical space. We will mainly focus on road network, but the ideas and techniques apply to similar network such as the water and electricity distribution networks...