Introduction to MATLAB

This workshop introduces participants to MATLAB. Topics include indexing and slicing of vectors and matrices, creation of script M-files and functions, control flow operators and basic 2D and 3D visualization. The workshop is targeted to participants with little to no...

Regular Expressions II

Regular expressions are perfectly suited for people who like puzzles. Regular expressions are a sequence of characters used to define a search pattern. They are commonly used to do “find” and “find and replace” string operations. They are also used to validate strings...

Introduction to Matlab

This workshop will introduce you to Matlab. We will look at general coding syntax, matrix operations, writing functions, symbolic capabilities, etc. Computers will be available to complete exercises.

New campus-wide access to MATLAB

U-M is offering a new, campus-wide license for MATLAB, Simulink, and companion products. All faculty, researchers, and students are eligible to download and install these products, including toolboxes such as: Bioinformatics Toolbox Control System Toolbox Curve...