The Data Incubator Fellowship Program

Job Description The Data Incubator is an intensive 8 week fellowship that prepares masters students, PhDs, and postdocs in STEM and social science fields seeking industry careers as data scientists. The program is free for Fellows and supported by sponsorships from...

Scientist for the development of VASP

Job Description The Vienna ab-initio Simulation Package (VASP) group seeks one scientist for the development of the software package VASP . VASP is a de facto standard for the simulation of condensed matter systems using the Schroedinger equation. A very exciting and...

Postdoctoral position at the NIH/NIMH

We are seeking enthusiastic applicants for a Post-Doctoral Fellowship position to help with the collection and analysis of large brain-imaging datasets. The successful candidate will use state-of-the-art artificial intelligence methods, with the aim of better...

Coding Institute Workshop for SGCI

The Science Gateways Community Institute will host a Summer 2018 workshop that will be a four-week Coding Institute for undergraduate students that will take place on the campus of Elizabeth City State University. The workshop will cover the core skills needed to be...

Gateway Development Internship for SGCI

The Workforce Development team from SGCI offers eight-week summer internships for students interested in developing their gateway development skills. Participants will be placed at one of the seven universities that form the SGCI partnership, or a specific site can be...

SLATE: A Platform for Scientific Cyberinfrastructure

We are looking for motivated individuals interested in learning cutting-edge technologies to help us develop, prototype and test SLATE: Service Layes At The Edge, a collaborative project between the University of Michigan, University of Chicago and the University of...