MICDE’s InfoReady portal logging in issue

We are working on resolving a bug when logging in into the MICDE InfoReady portal using U-M’s SSO. While we fix it, if you are getting the following screen: please follow these steps: Go to https://micde.infoready4.com/#login. Scroll down to the Login for Other...

MICDE parnters with non-profit miRcore

MICDE has partnered with miRcore, a non-profit organization whose mission is to democratize medical research by building funds for microgrants to support innovative genetic research. MICDE is providing computational resources and support for miRcore...

Faculty search in Computational Science at U-M

MICDE is pleased to bring to your attention a faculty search in Computational Science at University of Michigan. This position will be filled within the Mechanical Engineering Department, but the search will be carried out with the active engagement of MICDE. We...

SC2 presents the 2017 NVIDIA Visualization Challenge

The Scientific Computing Student Club (SC2) and NVIDIA are presenting a Visualization Challenge, with prizes including two NVIDIA and sponsorship to enter present your results at the Scientific Visualization Showcase at Supercomputing ’17. If you are an U-M student...