Computational Turbulence and Multi-physics Group

The Computational Turbulence and Multi-physics Group is a multidisciplinary research team that develops computational techniques to address the entire spectrum of research, including discovery, analysis, predictive modeling, optimization, and control of turbulent flows and their multi-physical interactions.

As a world-leading group in this domain, we develop and apply computational techniques to address the entire spectrum of research, including discovery, analysis, predictive modeling, optimization, and control of turbulent flows and their multi-physical interactions. Our goal is to expand the boundaries of knowledge in real-world applications, from advancing aerospace, marine, and nuclear sciences to improving energy efficiency and environmental sustainability.

Computational Turbulence and Multi-physics Group Members

Jesse Capecelatro
Assoc. Professor, Mechanical Engineering & Aerospace Engineering

Multiphase/multi-physics flow lab

Multiphase and Granular flow, Turbulence, Optimization, HPC, Energy

Karthik Duraisamy

Karthik Duraisamy
Professor, Aerospace Engineering & Mechanical Engineering & Nuclear Engineering; Director, MICDE

Computational Aerosciences Laboratory

Computational science, Data Driven & reduced order modeling, Numerical methods, Turbulence modeling, Aeromechanics

Eric Johnsen
Professor, Mechanical Engineering

Scientific Computing and Flow Physics Laboratory

Multiphase flows, plasmas, Numerical methods, High energy density physics

Krishnan Mahesh
Professor, Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering & Aerospace Engineering

Computational Fluids Laboratory

LES, Marine Propulsors, Cavitation, Hydroacoustics, FSI, HPC

Venkat Raman

Venkat Raman
Professor, Aerospace Engineering & Mechanical Engineering

Advanced Propulsion Concepts Lab

Turbulent Combustion modeling, LES, HPC, Extreme events, Propulsion

Aaron Towne

Aaron Towne
Asst. Professor, Mechanical Engineering

Towne Lab

Aeroacoustics, Reduced order modeling, Dynamical systems, Flow instabilities