Philip Roe

Philip Roe

His major current project is the creation an new third-order accurate CFD method called the Active Flux method, with many original features, sponsored by NASA under the Revolutionary Computational Aerodynamics program. Linked with this is joint work with Chris...
Venkat Raman

Venkat Raman

His work focuses on the simulation of large scale combustion systems – aircraft engines, stationary power turbines, hypersonic engines – with the goal of advancing computations-aided systems design. This involves large scale computations accounting for...
Kenneth Powell

Kenneth Powell

Prof. Powell’s work focuses on algorithm development for fluid dynamics, aerodynamics and plasmadynamics, and the application of computational methods to problems in aerodynamics, aeroelasticicty, fluid dynamics and space environment/space weather.
Joaquim Martins

Joaquim Martins

Martins’ research is on algorithms for multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO) that can take advantage of high-fidelity simulations and high-performance parallel computing. He has been focusing on applying these algorithms to the design optimization of new...
Alex Gorodetsky

Alex Gorodetsky

Alex Gorodetsky is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Aerospace Engineering. His research includes using applied mathematics and computational science to enhance autonomous decision making under uncertainty. His research has an emphasis on controlling systems...
Krzysztof Fidkowski

Krzysztof Fidkowski

Fidkowski’s research interests lie in the development of robust, scalable, and adaptive solvers for computational fluid dynamics. Target applications include steady and unsteady convection dominated flows, such as those observed in external aerodynamics....
Karthik Duraisamy

Karthik Duraisamy

Prof. Duraisamy is interested in the development of computational models, algorithms and uncertainty quantification approaches with application to fluid flows. This research includes fluid dynamic modeling at a fundamental level as well as in an integrated...