Suyash Tandon

Suyash Tandon

Year 2019-2020 Research Description Large-scale computations of turbulent flows, with focus on development of a compressible flow solver based on recovery-assisted discontinuous Galerkin method to solve complex turbulent flow problems at extreme-scales. The solver has...
Minki Kim

Minki Kim

Year 2019-2020 Research Description Numerical and physical modelings of inertial collapse of cavitation bubbles using high-fidelity simulation.
Elizabeth Livingston

Elizabeth Livingston

Year 2019-2020 Research Description Computational modeling of biomedical engineering problems. Of particular interest to her is the growth and remodeling of the cardio-vascular system.
Yuan Yao

Yuan Yao

Year 2019-2020 Research Description High-fidelity numerical modeling of particle-laden flows.