Venue: 2540 G.G. Brown (2350 Hayward St.)
Bio: Yuri Bazilevs is the E. Paul Sorensen Chair in the School of Engineering at Brown University. He was previously a Professor and Vice Chair in the Structural Engineering Department at the University of California, San Diego. Yuri is the original developer of Isogeometric Analysis (IGA), a new computational methodology that aims to integrate engineering design (CAD) and simulation (FEM). For his research contributions Yuri received a number of awards and honors, including the 2018 ASCE Walter L. Huber Research Prize. He is included in the 2014-2018 lists of Highly Cited Researchers, both in the Engineering and Computer Science categories.
This presentation is focused on Isogeometric Analysis (IGA) with applications to solids and structures, starting with early developments and results, and transitioning to more recent work. Novel IGA-based thin-shell formulations are discussed, and applications to progressive damage modeling in composite laminates due to low-velocity impact and their residual-strength prediction are shown. Fluid–structure interaction (FSI) employing IGA is also discussed, and a novel framework for air-blast-structure interaction (ABSI) based on an immersed approach coupling IGA and RKPM-based Meshfree methods is presented and verified on a set of challenging examples. The presentation is infused with examples that highlight effective uses of IGA in advanced engineering applications.
Prof. Bazilevs is being hosted by Prof. Garikipati (Mechanical Engineering). If you would like to meet him during his visit please send an email to If you are an MICDE or ME student and would like to join Prof. Bazilevs for lunch please RVSP here by Wednesday, January 9.