Venue: 1008 EECS
Bio: Guy A. E. Vandenbosch is a Professor of Electrical Engineering at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in Leuven, Belgium. He received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from KU Leuven in 1985 and 1991, respectively.
He was a research and teaching assistant from 1985 to 1991 with the Telecommunications and Microwaves section of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, where he worked on the modeling of microstrip antennas with the integral equation technique. From 1991 to 1993, he held a postdoctoral research position, in 1993 he became a Lecturer, and since 2005 he’s been a Full Professor at the same university. Guy Vandenbosch has taught or teaches courses on “Electromagnetic Waves”, “Antennas”, “Electromagnetic Compatibility”, “Fundamentals of Communication and Information Theory”, “Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and Electrical Energy”, and ”Digital Steer- and Measuring Techniques in Physics”.
Prof. Vandenbosch’s research interests are in the area of electromagnetic theory, computational electromagnetics, planar antennas and circuits, nano-electromagnetics, EM radiation, EMC, and bio-electromagnetics. His work has been published in over 300 papers in international journals and has led to over 370 papers at international conferences. He was a member of the Management Committees‘ of the consecutive European COST actions on antennas between 1993 and 2017, where he was leading the working group on modeling and software for antennas.
Computational Electromagnetics (CEM) is the technology modeling the interaction of electromagnetic waves (EM waves) with physical objects and their surroundings. This technology has been demonstrated to be a key element in the design of, e.g., modern antennas, waveguiding/shaping devices, etc..It has been playing a pivotal role in forging modern communication systems, and therefore was, is and will be greatly impacting peoples’ daily life. However, despite of all these successes, very recent experiments on the interaction of light (EM waves at optical frequencies) with deep-nanoscale metallic structures suggest the need of a paradigm shift in the classic CEM algorithms, where a more refined material model is required. As the very first step in this direction, we combine the dynamics of classical EM waves with the semi-classical hydrodynamic motion of free electrons in metals. The problem is formulated in the framework of Boundary Integral Equations (BIEs) and subsequently solved by the Method of Moments (MoM) algorithm. This research contributes to potentially bridging the computational gap between the classical macroscopic world and the quantum mechanical microscopic world, and provides an essential tool for chemists and physicists to understand new physics in the nanoscopic world.
Prof. Vandenbosch is being hosted by Prof. Michielssen (Electrical Engineering). If you would like to meet with him during his visit, please send an email to [email protected]. If you are a student or postdoc and would like to join him for lunch on Thurs., April 18, please RSVP here by April 16.