
2017 U-M Data Science Research Forum

Michigan League 911 N. University, Ann Arbor, MI, United States

Forum Highlights Oral and poster presentations on Theoretical foundations of data science Data science methodology Data science applications in any research domain Social impact of data science research How to engage industry workshop Adrian Fortino, Partner (Mercury Fund) Mike Psarouthakis, Director (U-M Venture Center) Kevyn Collins-Thompson, Associate Professor, U-M School of Information Mike Cafarella, Associate Professor, […]

Regular Expressions II

Modern Languages Building (MLB), Room 2001B

Regular expressions are perfectly suited for people who like puzzles. Regular expressions are a sequence of characters used to define a search pattern. They are commonly used to do “find” and “find and replace” string operations. They are also used to validate strings like phone numbers, passwords, etc. in data entry. Regular expression capabilities can […]

Android Application Development: Why and How

Rackham Building, Earl Lewis Room, 3rd Floor East 915 E. Washington St., Ann Arbor, MI, United States

Mobile app development is one of the biggest new industries of the last decade. As of 2017, Google has stated that over 2 billion devices around the world use the Android operating system, alongside Apple’s 1 billion iOS mobile devices around the globe. The capabilities and adopted use of modern smartphones can provide an easy […]

Introduction to the campus Hadoop cluster

East Hall B254 530 Church St., Ann Arbor, MI, United States

This course will cover 4 areas: Logging into the cluster How to upload your data How to run a job How to get your data from the cluster Prerequisites: Workshop participants should take the “Introduction to the Linux Command Line” workshop, and view the following videos: Click here for more information on The Cavium […]

Introduction to the campus Hadoop cluster

East Hall B254 530 Church St., Ann Arbor, MI, United States

This course will cover 4 areas: Logging into the cluster How to upload your data How to run a job How to get your data from the cluster Prerequisites: Workshop participants should take the “Introduction to the Linux Command Line” workshop, and view the following videos: Click here for more information on The Cavium […]

Sliding into Slurm: An early look at U-M’s new high-performance computing environment

Modern Languages Building (MLB), Room 2001A

This workshop will provide a brief overview of the the new HPC environment and is intended for current Flux and Armis users.  We will use the temporary Beta HPC cluster to demonstrate how jobs will be submitted and managed under the new Great Lakes, Armis2, and Lighthouse clusters available later this year. There are many […]

Sliding into Slurm: An early look at U-M’s new high-performance computing environment

Modern Languages Building (MLB), Room 2001A

This workshop will provide a brief overview of the the new HPC environment and is intended for current Flux and Armis users.  We will use the temporary Beta HPC cluster to demonstrate how jobs will be submitted and managed under the new Great Lakes, Armis2, and Lighthouse clusters available later this year. There are many […]

Introduction to Machine Learning

Your Desktop

OVERVIEW Machine learning is becoming an increasingly popular tool in several fields, including data science, medicine, engineering, and business. This workshop will cover basic concepts related to machine learning, including definitions of basic terms, sample applications, and methods for deciding whether your project is a good fit for machine learning. No prior knowledge or coding […]

Advanced ML topics: Algorithms, writing ML code, comparing implementations

Your Desktop

OVERVIEW This workshop is designed as a follow-up to the basic introduction to machine learning earlier in this series. We will cover several examples in Python and compare different implementations. We will also look at advanced topics in machine learning, such as GPU optimization, parallel processing, and deep learning. A basic understanding of Python is […]

Machine Learning on Great Lakes

Your Desktop

OVERVIEW This workshop will go over methods and best practices for running machine learning applications on Great Lakes. We will briefly outline machine learning before stepping through a hands-on example problem to load a project and submit a job to the HPC cluster. Participants are expected to be familiar with Python, the command line, and […]