
MICDE & MIDAS Graduate Programs Info Session (Virtual)

Zoom Event MI, United States

Join the MICDE and MIDAS teams for a 1-hour virtual information session to learn more about our computational and data science graduate program offerings, including: the Ph.D. in Scientific Computing, the Graduate Certificate in Computational Discovery & Engineering, the Graduate Certificate in Computational Neuroscience, and the Graduate Certificate in Data Science. After a short presentation, […]

MICDE & MIDAS Graduate Programs Information Tables (In-person)

Meet 1:1 with MICDE and MIDAS graduate program faculty and staff managers to learn more about the institutes and the computational and data science graduate programs they offer, including: the Ph.D. in Scientific Computing, the Graduate Certificate in Computational Discovery & Engineering, the Graduate Certificate in Computational Neuroscience, and the Graduate Certificate in Data Science. […]