
FSML Lecture Series: Domain decomposition and coupling data-driven models of fluid flows by Christopher Wentland, Sandia National Labs

2636 GGBA 2350 Hayward St, Ann Arbor, MI, United States

Zoom link Abstract: Simulating complex physical systems often requires joining non-uniform subsystems, which may be characterized by different geometries or mesh topologies. Coupling these separate subsystems often relies on time-intensive meshing workflows or empirical coupling models, which may not generalize well across all operational regimes. The Schwarz alternating method proposes to overcome these issues, establishing […]

Conference / Symposium:MICDE ACES Mini-Symposium 2024

Lurie Robert H. Engin. Ctr - Johnson Rooms, 3rd floor

This year’s focus of the Advanced Computational Science & Engineering Showcase (ACES) mini-symposium is connecting advanced algorithms, artificial intelligence (AI), and high-performance computing (HPC) architectures to advance scientific discovery. The event showcases the work of the University of Michigan faculty members at the intersection of AI, HPC, and advanced algorithms. It also includes a panel […]