Using GPUs with Python
Your DesktopThis workshop introduces Python GPU tools for porting and writing code that runs on GPUs.
This workshop introduces Python GPU tools for porting and writing code that runs on GPUs.
Python is the Lingua Franca of Data today and is being increasingly used in scientific computations. This workshop introduces Python GPU tools for porting and writing code that runs on GPUs. The primary tools, Numba and CuPy, are presented with examples. This workshop is presented by Kristopher Keipert of NVIDIA. This event is open to […]
The University of Michigan library system has licensed a large data set containing real estate transactions, deeds, and property tax records for the United States. The data were collected by the commercial vendor CoreLogic, and our license allows UM researchers to use the data for research purposes. These data are of potential interest to researchers […]
This is a series of workshops designed to introduce participants to the Stata software. No prior experience with Stata is required. The sections are: Section 1: The Basics of Stata - Interacting with Stata and working with data sets. (2/22 2-3:30) Section 2: Data Management - The basics of maintaining and exploring a data set. […]
This is the fifth workshop in a series of workshops we are offering this semester on the fundamentals of GIS. Each workshop covers one or two key elements of GIS and is somewhat self-contained. The focus is on conceptual details that can provide sufficient preparation for applications, but we will also touch upon the technical […]
Software development and computer programming is increasingly a major part of scientific research. Projects can quickly grow, and it can be difficult to manage changes, especially if multiple programmers are editing the same project at once! This workshop will cover Git, a commonly-used tool for managing coding projects with multiple users, with features to make […]
Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are used as a machine learning method for both regression and classification problems. Keras is a high-level, Python interface running on top of multiple neural network libraries, including the popular library TensorFlow. In this workshop, participants will learn how to quickly use the Keras interface to perform nonlinear regression and classification […]
This is the sixth workshop in a series of workshops we are offering this semester on the fundamentals of GIS. Each workshop covers one or two key elements of GIS and is self-contained. The focus is on conceptual details that can provide sufficient preparation for applications, but we will also touch upon the technical aspects. […]
Software development and computer programming is increasingly a major part of scientific research. When small or large teams are involved in coding the same project, it’s a good idea to adopt team-based practices, such as “pair programming” or “code review” meetings, to ensure quality is maintained in the code. This hands-on workshop will provide examples […]
This workshop will further develop the material covered on spatial databases in the first workshop a few weeks back. PostGIS is the most widely used spatial database and is built on top of PostgreSQL, a powerful open source relational database. The focus of this workshop is to exploit PostGIS to deal with big vector data, […]