
Improving the performance of scientific software, or “Do I really need to learn C++?”

Your Desktop

This is a continuation of the workshop "Introduction to performance analysis of scientific software".  Now, we know how to measure overall performance of our software and can make a good guess of the main performance bottleneck.  How can we improve the performance?  Do we really need to rewrite the whole program in a different language?  […]

3D Visualization Software: Introduction to Blender3D and Python

Your Desktop

This is part of a series of workshops covering 3D game engines and animation software for research and data visualization. Registration to all parts of this series is not required, but each workshop will expect a different level of experience, which will be acquired if the viewer attends all events. Blender3D is a popular free […]

3D Visualization Software: Advanced Graphics Optimization with Unity3D and C# (Part 3)

Your Desktop

This is part of a series of workshops covering 3D game engines and animation software for research and data visualization. Registration to all parts of this series is not required, but each workshop will expect a different level of experience, which will be acquired if the viewer attends all events. Modern 3D game engines and […]

Introduction to Google Earth Engine – I

Your Desktop

Google Earth Engine (GEE) combines a multi-petabyte catalog of satellite imagery and geospatial datasets with planetary-scale analysis capabilities. The instant availability of data, massive compute power, and well-developed API make it a very convenient and powerful platform for geospatial analysis. GEE provides native APIs in JavaScript and Python. However, recently the user community has developed […]

Introduction to Google Earth Engine – II

Your Desktop

Google Earth Engine (GEE) combines a multi-petabyte catalog of satellite imagery and geospatial datasets with planetary-scale analysis capabilities. The instant availability of data, massive compute power, and well-developed API make it a very convenient and powerful platform for geospatial analysis. GEE provides native APIs in JavaScript and Python. However, recently the user community has developed […]

3D Visualization Software: Introduction to Unreal Engine and C++

Your Desktop

This is part of a series of workshops covering 3D game engines and animation software for research and data visualization. Registration to previous parts of this series is not required. Unreal Engine is a popular game engine among professional industries and game studios. It is also increasingly used for "serious" applications that require interactive 3D […]