
Introduction to the Linux Command Line

Your Desktop

OVERVIEW This course will familiarize the student with the basics of accessing and interacting with Linux computers using the GNU/Linux operating system’s Bash shell, also generically referred to as “the command line”. Topics include: a brief overview of Linux, the Bash shell, navigating the file system, basic commands, shell redirection, permissions, processes, and the command […]

Introduction to Research Computing on the Great Lakes Cluster

Your Desktop

OVERVIEW This workshop will introduce you to high performance computing on the Great Lakes cluster.  After a brief overview of the components of the cluster and the resources available there, the main body of the workshop will cover creating batch scripts and the options available to run jobs, and hands-on experience in submitting, tracking, and interpreting the […]

Advanced research computing on the Great Lakes Cluster

Your Desktop

OVERVIEW This workshop will cover some more advanced topics in computing on the U-M Great Lakes Cluster. Topics to be covered include a review of common parallel programming models and basic use of Great Lakes; dependent and array scheduling; workflow scripting using bash; high-throughput computing using launcher; parallel processing in one or more of Python, […]

Introduction to Stata: The Basics of Stata

Your Desktop

This is a series of workshops designed to introduce participants to the Stata software. No prior experience with Stata is required. The sections are: Section 1: The Basics of Stata – Interacting with Stata and working with data sets. (2/22 2-3:30) Section 2: Data Management – The basics of maintaining and exploring a data set. […]

Introduction to Stata: Data Management

Your Desktop

This is a series of workshops designed to introduce participants to the Stata software. No prior experience with Stata is required. The sections are: Section 1: The Basics of Stata – Interacting with Stata and working with data sets. (10/25, 1-2:30) Section 2: Data Management – The basics of maintaining and exploring a data set. […]

GIS and Spatial Analysis Fundamentals – IV (Map visualization)

Your Desktop

This is the fourth workshop about the fundamentals of GIS and spatial analysis this semester. Each workshop covers one or two key elements and is self-contained. The focus is on conceptual details that can provide sufficient preparation for applications, but we will also touch upon the technical aspects. Most workshops will have at least one […]

Introduction to Stata: Data Manipulation

Your Desktop

This is a series of workshops designed to introduce participants to the Stata software. No prior experience with Stata is required. The sections are: Section 1: The Basics of Stata – Interacting with Stata and working with data sets. (10/25, 1-2:30) Section 2: Data Management – The basics of maintaining and exploring a data set. […]

Improving the performance of scientific software, or “Do I really need to learn C++?”

Your Desktop

This is a continuation of the workshop "Introduction to performance analysis of scientific software".  Now, we know how to measure overall performance of our software and can make a good guess of the main performance bottleneck.  How can we improve the performance?  Do we really need to rewrite the whole program in a different language?  […]