
SPSS: Basic Statistical Analysis

Your Desktop

Each section will go over one chapter from the materials at Section 1: Basics of SPSS (9/16, 10am - 12pm) Section 2: Variables (9/23, 10am - 12pm) Section 3: Data Management (9/30, 10am - 12pm) Section 4: Basic Statistical Analysis (10/7, 10am - 12pm) It is strongly encouraged to have SPSS installed on your […]

GIS with R

Your Desktop

This workshop will expose participants to GIS functionalities in R. We will cover vector and raster data representation, vector geometric operations, coordinate representation, combined raster and vector operations in R. The workshop will be especially useful for participants with some exposure to both GIS and R. This workshop is virtual. The presenter will be in touch with more […]

Introduction to Deep Neural Networks with Keras/TensorFlow

Your Desktop

Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are used as a machine learning method for both regression and classification problems. Keras is a high-level, Python interface running on top of multiple neural network libraries, including the popular library TensorFlow. In this workshop, participants will learn how to quickly use the Keras interface to perform nonlinear regression and classification with standard fully-connected DNNs, as well as image classification using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). We will also look […]

R Series II: Programming

Your Desktop

People using R for applied research are often not taught basic programming practices such as writing functions, efficient iterative processing, vectorization, and other practices that would make their research far more efficient and reproducible.  Understandably, focus is on basic data manipulation and getting model results.  Unfortunately, this can mean the data isn’t as explored as […]

Fundamentals of Accelerated Computing with CUDA C/C++

Zoom Event

The CUDA computing platform enables the acceleration of CPU-only applications to run on the world’s fastest massively parallel GPUs. Experience C/C++ application acceleration by: Accelerating CPU-only applications to run their latent parallelism on GPUs Utilizing essential CUDA memory management techniques to optimize accelerated applications Exposing accelerated application potential for concurrency and exploiting it with CUDA […]

Fundamentals of Accelerated Computing with CUDA C/C++

Your Desktop

The CUDA computing platform enables the acceleration of CPU-only applications to run on the world’s fastest massively parallel GPUs. Experience C/C++ application acceleration by: Accelerating CPU-only applications to run their latent parallelism on GPUs Utilizing essential CUDA memory management techniques to optimize accelerated applications Exposing accelerated application potential for concurrency and exploiting it with CUDA […]

Stata: The Basics of Stata

Your Desktop

This is a series of workshops designed to introduce participants to the Stata software. No prior experience with Stata is required. The sections are: Section 1: The Basics of Stata - Interacting with Stata. (10/19 2-3:30) Section 2: Working with Data Sets - Importing, opening, and saving data sets. (10/21 2-3:30) Section 3: Data Management […]