
Introduction to Stata

Audience: Those who have never used Stata before but wish to learn. By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to: Work with Stata, including using Do-files and using the help system Get data into Stata and manage your data files Establish familiarity with your data Clean the data to prepare it for […]

Multilevel models in Python

Rackham Building, Earl Lewis Room, 3rd Floor East 915 E. Washington St., Ann Arbor, MI, United States

Multilevel modeling is the state-of-the-art approach for handling data with complex dependence structure in a regression analysis.  This workshop will discuss fitting multilevel models in Python using the Statsmodels package. We will discuss the motivation and main use cases for multilevel modeling, and illustrate by example how to fit linear and generalized linear mixed models. […]

Building software projects with Make: beyond basics

Rackham Building, Earl Lewis Room, 3rd Floor East 915 E. Washington St., Ann Arbor, MI, United States

In this workshop we will use Make to manage build dependency in a multi-file, multi-language software project.  We will learn how to use Make functions, automatically generate dependencies, and inquire the operating system about available packages and libraries.  Also, we will briefly review alternative build dependency managers. At the end of the workshop you will […]

R III: Modeling

This workshop will be heavy on conceptual understanding of basic regression modeling, but with demonstration of activities both essential and tangential to good modeling practice. GLM, model interpretation, model comparison, model debugging, model criticism and more will be covered. Prereq: Some experience using R is required (R I, preferably R II workshops), as well as […]

Introduction to Python’s NumPy library

This workshop will introduce you to the NumPy library in Python, which is useful in scientific computing. We will cover NumPy’s n-dimensional array object and associated functions in depth, along with related linear algebra and random number capabilities. Some familiarity with Python is expected. Computers will be available to complete exercises.

Visualization of spatial data

Rackham Building, Earl Lewis Room, 3rd Floor East 915 E. Washington St., Ann Arbor, MI, United States

This workshop will cover basic concepts and tools available in QGIS and R for visualizing spatial data. We will cover vector data but will also touch upon the visualization of raster and spatial network data. Participants should have some familiarity with R, but exposure to QGIS is not required.

R by Example: Functional Programming with data.table

In the R by Example series of workshops, we’ll discuss example analyses in R as a vehicle for learning  commonly used tools and programming patterns. The “Functional Programming with dplyr” workshop will initially focus on analyzing winter home temperatures in the US using data from the Residential Energy Consumption Survey (  We’ll use the data.table package for […]