
Regular Expressions II

Modern Languages Building (MLB), Room 2001B

Regular expressions are perfectly suited for people who like puzzles. Regular expressions are a sequence of characters used to define a search pattern. They are commonly used to do “find” and “find and replace” string operations. They are also used to validate strings like phone numbers, passwords, etc. in data entry. Regular expression capabilities can […]

Parallel Processing with Python

Modern Languages Building (MLB), Room 2001B

Modern computers have a CPU with multiple cores (usually between 4-8). Come learn how to take advantage of them to parallelize and speed up your code. We’ll show you how to structure your code so you can parallelize it in 5 lines or less. We will also cover some theory, a few practical considerations along […]

Intro to Natural Language Processing with Python

Modern Languages Building (MLB), Room 2001B

This workshop will provide a quick overview of natural language processing using Python. We’ll cover the basics. Segmenting text into tokens, assigning part-of-speech, assigning dependency labels, detecting and labeling named-entities. We’ll also cover sentiment analysis, topic modelling and maybe some visualizations. The workshop will be conducted in Python and is intended for users with basic […]