The ARC cluster Flux and Engineering cluster Nyx will be unavailable for jobs March 28th at 10:00pm. There is an emergency update to the ITS Value Storage systems on that date.
Flux and Nyx rely on Value Storage and thus will also not be available during that time. We expect the outage to be finished quickly and any queued jobs will run as expected once the service is completed.
At the start of the outage, login and transfer nodes will be rebooted. Users will be unable to login until after the service is restored.
Any jobs that request more walltime than remains until the start of the outage will be held and started after the systems return to service.
To find the maximum walltime you can request and have your job start prior to the outage can be found with our walltime calculator.
module load flux-utils maxwalltime
Allocations that are active on that date will be extended by one day at no cost.
If you have any questions feel free to ask us at
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