Our research can be summarized in two words: Matter and Machine. On the Matter side, Z lab studies far-from-equilibrium physics. They synergistically combine and push the boundaries of statistical and stochastic thermodynamic theories, accelerated molecular simulations, understandable AI/ML/DS methods, and neutron scattering experiments, with the goal of significantly extending our understanding of a wide range of long timescale phenomena and rare events. Particular emphasis is given to the physics and chemistry of liquids and complex fluids, especially at interfaces, driven away from equilibrium, or under extreme conditions. On the Machine side, leveraging their expertise in materials and modeling, his group advances the development of soft robots and human-compatible machines, swarm robots and collective intelligence, and robots in extreme environments, which can lead to immediate societal impact.
Yang Zhang
Professor, Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences
(734) 647 4338

Research Areas
Complex fluidsData; Statistics and Stochastic Methods
Education; Finance and Social Sciences
Energy; Environment and Natural Resources
Machine Learning
Materials: Calculations; Simulations and Modeling
Optimization and Control
Quantum Science