Yuanfang Guan

Yuanfang Guan

Yuanfang Guan is an associate professor of Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics. She got her B.S. from the University of Hong Kong, and her Ph.D. in Molecular Biology from Princeton University. Prof. Guan is interested in machine learning in biology and medicine....
Karl Grosh

Karl Grosh

Professor Grosh research spans various aspects of structural acoustics, mechanics, biomechanics and linear/nonlinear vibrations. Current research involves Cochlear mechanics (experiments and modeling of the mechanics of soft tissue and tissue growth), electroacoustic...
Alex Gorodetsky

Alex Gorodetsky

Alex Gorodetsky is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Aerospace Engineering. His research includes using applied mathematics and computational science to enhance autonomous decision making under uncertainty. His research has an emphasis on controlling systems...
Bryan Goldsmith

Bryan Goldsmith

Bryan Goldsmith is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering. His works focus on the development of novel catalysts and materials. The world is facing a growing population, mass consumerism, and rising greenhouse gas levels, all the while people...
Sharon Glotzer

Sharon Glotzer

Sharon Glotzer is a Professor of Chemical Engineering and of Material Science and Engineering. The Glotzer group uses computer simulations to discover the fundamental principles by which nanoscale systems of building blocks self-assemble into higher order, complex,...
Eitan Geva

Eitan Geva

Eitan Geva is a Professor of Chemistry. Modern computational chemistry strives to provide an atomistically detailed dynamical description of fundamental chemical processes. The strategy for reaching this goal generally follows a two-step program. In the first step,...
Vikram Gavini

Vikram Gavini

His research group aims to develop computational and mathematical techniques to address various aspects of materials behavior, which exhibit complexity and structure on varying length and time scales. The work draws ideas from quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics...
Krishna Garikipati

Krishna Garikipati

His research is in computational physics, specifically biophysics (tumor growth and cell mechanics) and materials physics (battery materials, structural alloys and semiconductor materials). In these areas Garikipati’s group focuses on developing mathematical and...
Estéfan Garcia

Estéfan Garcia

Prof. Garcia’s primary research interests are in the realm of granular materials and granular systems. Granular and particulate materials represent some of the most commonly manipulated materials in our society. A fundamental understanding of their behavior at the...
Daniel Forger

Daniel Forger

Daniel Forger is a Professor in the Department of Mathematics. He is devoted to understanding biological clocks. He uses techniques from many fields, including computer simulation, detailed mathematical modeling and mathematical analysis, to understand biological...