Daniel Forger

Daniel Forger

Daniel Forger is a Professor in the Department of Mathematics. He is devoted to understanding biological clocks. He uses techniques from many fields, including computer simulation, detailed mathematical modeling and mathematical analysis, to understand biological...
Mark Flanner

Mark Flanner

Professor Flanner’s research ambitions lie in understanding large-scale energy transport in Earth’s climate system, with particular focus on the roles of the cryosphere (including seasonal snow cover, glaciers, and sea-ice) and atmospheric aerosols. To...
Cynthia Finelli

Cynthia Finelli

Cynthia Finelli is a Professor in the department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, ECE division, and in the School of Education. Her research area is engineering education. She is the Founding Director of the Center for Research and Learning in...
Evgueni Filipov

Evgueni Filipov

Evgueni Filipov is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. His research interests lie in the field of deployable and reconfigurable structural systems. Folding and adaptable structures based on the principles of origami can...
C. Alberto Figueroa

C. Alberto Figueroa

Alberto Figueroa is a Professor with a joint appointment in Biomedical Engineering and Vascular Surgery. He works on computational methods for patient-specific cardiovascular simulation. Modeling the function of the cardiovascular system in health and disease...
Krzysztof Fidkowski

Krzysztof Fidkowski

Fidkowski’s research interests lie in the development of robust, scalable, and adaptive solvers for computational fluid dynamics. Target applications include steady and unsteady convection dominated flows, such as those observed in external aerodynamics....
Jeff Fessler

Jeff Fessler

Jeff Fessler is a Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science – Electrical and Computer Engineering Division. His research interests include numerical optimization, inverse problems, image reconstruction, computational imaging,...
Fred Feng

Fred Feng

Dr. Fed Feng is an Assistant Professor of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering at the University of Michigan-Dearborn. Dr. Feng’s research methods include behavioral data analysis, statistical learning, human performance modeling, human factors, and...
Salar Fattahi

Salar Fattahi

Today’s real-world problems are complex and large, often with an overwhelmingly large number of unknown variables which render them doomed to the so-called “curse of dimensionality”. For instance, in machine learning, it is important to obtain simple, interpretable,...
Yue Fan

Yue Fan

Yue Fan is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. The primary research interest in his group is to provide a substantive knowledge on the mechanics and micro-structural evolution in complex materials systems under extreme environments via...