John Barker

John Barker

We publish computer codes for computational chemical reaction kinetics calculations. Our long-term aim (not yet achieved!) is to develop predictive tools that are as good as experiments. Toward that end, we use statistical rate theories to predict thermal rate...
Paul Zimmerman

Paul Zimmerman

From elementary chemical reactions to exciton dynamics in solar cells, chemistry is a particularly rich field for atomistic simulation. Research in the Zimmerman group develops and employs a broad spectrum of computational techniques to chemical problems. Special...
Robert Ziff

Robert Ziff

Professor Ziff carries out computational and theoretical studies of various physical problems, most notably percolation but also catalysis modeling and several reaction/diffusion systems.  For percolation, he has developed various algorithms that have allowed...
Katsuyo Thornton

Katsuyo Thornton

Thornton’s research focuses on computational and theoretical investigations of the evolution of microstructures and nanostructures during processing and operation of materials. These investigations facilitate the understanding of the underlying physics of materials...
Kai Sun

Kai Sun

His  research focuses on understanding the role of strong correction effects in many-body quantum systems. The objective is to discover novel quantum states/materials and to understand their exotic properties using theoretical/numerical methods (with emphasis on...
David Sept

David Sept

David Sept is a Professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering, and he is affiliated with the Center for Computational Medicine and Bioinformatics. The Sept lab works in the area of computational biology and we use a wide array of computational techniques to...
Sara Pozzi

Sara Pozzi

Prof. Pozzi’s group is interested in developing new tools and techniques for the detection and characterization of special nuclear material: highly enriched uranium and weapons grade plutonium. Their research has applications in the areas of nuclear safeguards,...
Joyce Penner

Joyce Penner

Prof. Penner’s research is adding the impacts of contrail formation within a global climate model. This involves following the physics from scales that treat aerosols (sub-micron sizes) to contrails (hundreds of meters) to climate (hundreds of kilometers)....
Jennifer Linderman

Jennifer Linderman

The Linderman group works in the area of computational biology, especially in developing multi-scale models that link molecular, cellular and tissue level events.   Current areas of focus include: (1) hybrid multi-scale agent-based modeling to simulate the immune...
Michael Liemohn

Michael Liemohn

His research interests focus on understanding the physical processes controlling energetic charged particle motion in planetary magnetospheres, including Earth.  He writes and uses space plasma physics numerical models, especially kinetic modeling that resolves...