Annual Symposia
Every year, MICDE brings prominent computational scientists to Ann Arbor for our annual symposium. Click on each year to see more.

Scientific Foundation Models
Tuesday, April 2 – Wednesday April 3, 2024
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Emerging and Future Paradigms for High Performance Computing
Speakers included:
- Fariba Fahroo, Air Force Office of Scientific Research
- Doug Kothe, US Department of Energy Exascale Computing Project
- Amitava Bhattacharjee, Professor, Astrophysical Sciences and Head, Theory Department
Princeton University - Alex Aiken, Professor, Computer Science, Stanford University
- Patty Lee, Chief Scientist, Honeywell Quantum Solutions
- Christiane Jablonowski, Professor, Department of Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering, University of Michigan

Computational Science: Classical Origins, New Frontiers
Speakers included:
- Marsha Berger, New York University Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
- Marisa Eisenberg, University of Michigan
- Carla Gomes, Institute for Computational Sustainability
Cornell University - Jan Hesthaven, Dean, School of Basic Sciences EPFL, Switzerland
- Necmiye Ozay, University of Michigan
- Stephen Wolfram, Founder and CEO, Wolfram Research, Creator of Mathematica

Computation: A Pillar of Science and a Lens to the Future
Speakers included:
- Cynthia Chestek, U-M Biomedical Engineering and EECS
- Alison Marsden, Stanford
- Cleve Moler, MathWorks
- Raju Namburu, Army Research Lab
- Stephen Smith, U-M Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
- Beth Wingate, Exeter
2017 Symposium

A New Era of Data-Enabled Computational Science
Speakers included:
- Jacqueline H. Chen, Sandia National Laboratories
- Frederica Darema, Air Force Office of Research
- George Karniadakis, Brown University
- J. Tinsley Oden, University of Texas at Austin, ICES
- Karen Willcox, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2016 Symposium

MICDE Annual Symposium
Speakers included:
- Irene Qualters, Director, NSF Division of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure
- Linda Petzold, University of California, Santa Barbara
- Mark Taylor, Sandia National Laboratory
- James Sethian, University of California, Berkeley
- Zoltan Cendes, Co-Founder of Ansoft Corp. (now ANSYS), Adjunct Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University
2014 Symposium

Joint Symposium with Michigan Institute for Data Science (MIDAS)
Speakers included:
- Usama Fayyad, Barklays Bank
- Michael Mahoney, ICSI and UC Berkeley
- Thomas Hacker, Purdue University
- Jaime Teevan, Microsoft Research
- Sandra Cannon, Data Management Expert
2014 Symposium

Research Computing Symposium
Speakers included:
- Edward Seidel, NCSA
- Marc Snir, University of Illinois
- Leslie Greengard, Simons Foundation