Workshop on Resilient Cities through Computation

The 2020 Virtual MICDE Symposium

Friday, October 9, 2020
Zoom, 9:30 am – 6:00 pm


Terri McAllister
Community Resilience Group Leader and Program Manager,
National Institute of Standards and Technology



Watch the recorded talks below.

Natural hazards research has evolved into highly specialized sub-disciplines, each dedicated to handling a subset of the overall problem. A key observation is that computational research is widespread in all subfields.

The “Resilient Cities through Computation” workshop will bring together researchers from around the world who are working on various aspects of disaster science and engineering to: 1) exchange information, and 2) discuss means by which to leverage their shared computational interest for achieving community resilience.

  • Therese McAllister (National Institute of Standards and Technology) – Keynote Speaker
  • Sherif El-Tawil (Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Michigan)
  • Xinzheng Lu ( Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University)
  • Seth Guikema (Industrial and Operations Engineering, University of Michigan)
  • John van de Lindt (Civil and Environmental Engineering, Colorado State University)
  • Tasos Sextos (Earthquake Engineering, University of Bristol)
  • Greg Deierlein (Civil and Environmental Engineering, Stanford University)
  • Wael El-Dakhakhni (Civil Engineering, McMaster University)
  • Hiba Baroud (Civil and Environmental Engineering, Vanderbilt University)

The workshop is sponsored by MICDE and the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering under the auspices of its Adaptation research thrust. The event is organized by researchers from the NSF-funded Project ICoR (


October 9, 2020 | 4:00 – 6:00 pm EDT [8:00 – 10:00 pm GMT] 

Image of someone working at a laptop computer with computational models on the screen.This hands-on workshop’s goal is to introduce the Simple Run-Time Infrastructure software toolkit (SRTI) to the participants, and provide a template project consisting of multiple simulators, each with a specialized purpose, relating to a natural-disaster scenario. It will take place after the feature talks.

The SRTI is a free, open-source solution developed at the University of Michigan, and enables researchers to connect computer programs and simulators written in different languages, to share data during execution, and to design hybrid systems using disparate simulator modules, with a primary goal of being user friendly. This hands-on workshop will explain what the SRTI is, and provide an example on how to use it.

The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is required to run the SRTI. Please install it prior to the workshop. Refer to for more information on supported operating systems and languages. Participants will need to use their own computer systems at home to take part. Basic coding skills in any programming language are required.

Mark your calendar for the MICDE SciFM25 Conference on May 28-30, 2025!