Join us for the DISCOVER (Discovery and Innovation in Scientific Computing: Opportunities for Valuing Exploration and Research) mini-symposium series, where we celebrate the power of computations in scientific discovery and driving innovation. In this mini-symposium series, you’ll have the opportunity to learn about the groundbreaking research of prominent computational scientists and engineers. Moreover, you’ll be able to ask questions and learn more about the experiences and challenges of researchers in various stages of their research careers.
Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to learn, connect, and be inspired!
Women in Computational Science
Date: November 27, 2023
Time: 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Venue: 340 West Hall – Map it
The Women in Computational Science Symposium is the inaugural event for MICDE’s DISCOVER (Discovery and Innovation in Scientific Computing: Opportunities for Valuing Exploration and Research) mini-symposium series. This mini-symposium provides a unique opportunity to delve into the pioneering research conducted by women in computational science while also gaining insight into their personal experiences and the challenges they face as researchers.
DISCOVER Mini-symposium recordings
Liz Livingston: Data to Differential Equations – Discovering Mathematical Models for Biological Systems
Dr. Rachel Niemer: Who is WISE for and what should we do? Exploring levers of change to foster equity in STEM
Dr. Katrin Heitmann: Exploring the Dark Universe
Panel discussion on navigating scientific careers
Mini-symposium schedule:
Time | Event | Tiltle | Place |
2:00-2:50 pm |
Guest speakers Liz Livingston, PhD Candidate ME
Rachel Niemer, WISE Managing Director |
Data to Differential Equations – Discovering Mathematical Models for Biological Systems
Who is WISE for and what should we do? Exploring levers of change to foster equity in STEM |
WH 340 |
2:50-3:00 pm | Coffee break | WH 337 | |
3:00-4:00 pm |
Keynote speaker: Katrin Heitmann, Deputy Division Director, Argonne National Lab |
Exploring the Dark Universe
WH 340 |
4:00-4:10 pm | Coffee break | WH 337 | |
4:10-5:00 pm | Panel discussion Moderator: Camille Avestruz, Assistant Professor of Physics |
Navigating scientific careers | WH 340 |
Keynote speaker
Katrin Heitmann, Deputy Division Director Argonne National Laboratory

Bio: Katrin Heitmann is the deputy director of Argonne’s High Energy Physics division, and a physicist and computational scientist. She is also a Senior Associate for the Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics at the University of Chicago and a member of NAISE at Northwestern. Before joining Argonne, Katrin was a staff member at Los Alamos National Laboratory. Her research currently focuses on computational cosmology, in particular on trying to understand the causes for the accelerated expansion of the Universe. She is responsible for large simulation campaigns with HACC and for the tools in the associated analysis library, CosmoTools. Katrin is a member of several major astrophysical surveys that aim to shed light on this question and is the currently the Spokesperson for the LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration.
Exploring the Dark Universe
Cosmology — the study of the origin, evolution, and constituents of the Universe — is now entering one of its most scientifically exciting phases. Three decades of surveying the sky have culminated in the celebrated “Cosmological Standard Model”. Yet, two of its key pillars, dark matter and dark energy — together accounting for 95% of the mass-energy of the Universe — remain mysterious. Next-generation observatories will open new routes to understand the true nature of the “Dark Universe”. These observations will pose tremendous challenges on many fronts — from the sheer size of the data that will be collected to its modeling and interpretation. The interpretation of the data requires sophisticated simulations on the world’s largest supercomputers. The cost of these simulations, the uncertainties in our modeling abilities, and the fact that we have only one Universe that we can observe opposed to carrying out controlled experiments, all come together to create a major test for statistical methods of data analysis. In this talk I will give a brief introduction to the Dark Universe and outline the challenges ahead. I will describe how complex, large-scale simulations will be used to extract the cosmological information from ongoing and next-generation surveys.
Guest speakers:

WISE info: The University of Michigan is at the forefront of equality in science and engineering, and our focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion spans multiple dimensions, including gender, race, SES, first generation status, to name a few. The University of Michigan’s Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) unit aims to increase the participation by women and gender minorities in careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, and to foster their academic and professional success. We do this by cultivating students’ skills to thrive in STEM, strengthening the community working toward STEM equity, and working to mitigate systemic forces that impede retention of women, and individuals from other historically underrepresented groups, in STEM.
Panel Discussion
The panel discussion on navigating scientific careers features:
- Katrin Heitmann, Deputy Division Director Argonne National Laboratory
- Lisa Mesaros, Vice President, Product Management, Simulation and Test Solutions at Siemens Digital Industries Software
- Liz Livingston, Clare Boothe Luce Fellow & PhD candidate in Mechanical Engineering and Scientific Computing, University of Michigan
- Rachel Niemer, Managing Director of WISE (Women in Science and Engineering), University of Michigan
Moderator: Camille Avestruz, Assistant Professor of Physics

If you have any questions about this event, please reach out to the MICDE Team at
Past Symposia
Date | Speaker (Click on link for bio and abstract) |
November 27, 2023 | Women in Computational Science Mini-Symposium (DISCOVER) Additional Details |