We are looking for motivated individuals interested in learning cutting-edge technologies to help us develop, prototype and test SLATE: Service Layes At The Edge, a collaborative project between the University of Michigan, University of Chicago and the University of Utah.  The SLATE team is working to deliver a new platform for scientific cyberinfrastructure (see http://slateci.io/). Building upon container-based technologies (e.g. Docker, Kubernetes, Helm, …) we aim to create a distributed environment where scientific collaborations can create, deploy and operate the tools they need to manage their data collection, distribution, and processing.

The successful candidate will help to take existing applications and package them in a way that can be readily used within the platform so that the details of installation, configuration, and operations of the application are taken care of for the scientific user. The candidate will learn how to use the latest container technologies and how to use them to solve concrete problems. The position will pay 12-15$ an hour based on experience for 20-30 hours a week depending on availability of the candidate.


Minimum Requirements:

* Basic experience with Linux administration


Preferred Requirements:

* Experience with source control (e.g. git)

* Experience with virtual machine technology (e.g. VirtualBox)

* Experience with container technology (e.g. Docker)


If interested, please send your CV to Brock Palen [email protected]