The Science Gateways Community Institute will host a Summer 2018 workshop that will be a four-week Coding Institute for undergraduate students that will take place on the campus of Elizabeth City State University. The workshop will cover the core skills needed to be productive in the design and maintenance of science gateways. The program will be presented as short tutorials alternated with practical experiences, and all instruction will be done via live coding.
Eligible applicants are undergraduate students majoring in computer science or computer engineering (or related fields) who have an interest in the design and maintenance of science gateways. Ten participants will be selected for the Coding Institute. Participants of the Coding Institute will receive a weekly stipend of $500 plus funding for transportation and housing. All selected participants will be required to attend both the PEARC18 and Gateways 2018 conferences. Funding to attend both conferences will be provided by SGCI’s Workforce Development.
Minimum Requirements:
•Undergraduate majoring in Computer Science or Computer Engineering (or related fields) and have an interest in the design and maintenance of science gateways
Job category
Coding Institute Workshop
Elizabeth City, NC
Application deadline
April 27, 2018