
Introduction to the Great Lakes cluster and batch computing with Slurm

Modern Languages Building (MLB), Room 2001A

OVERVIEW This workshop will provide a brief overview of the components of the Great Lakes Cluster. The main body of the workshop will cover the resource manager and scheduler, creating submissions scripts to run jobs and the options available in them, and hands-on experience. By the end of the workshop, every participant should have created […]

Spin Class: No Sweat Reports in R

Modern Languages Building (MLB), Room 2001A

If you use R, there’s a decent chance you are already familiar with using Rmarkdown files and the knitr package to create reports documenting your analyses. A lesser known but equally useful function distributed with the knitr package is spin, which gives you the power of Rmarkdown directly from an R script. This is especially […]

More Mixed Models

Modern Languages Building (MLB), Room 2001A

In the R world, lme4 is a great package for mixed model estimation, and the most widely used for such models.  For standard settings, few tools will do the trick as easily or as quickly, and because of that, its approach has been emulated in other packages and statistical programs.  However, that ease and efficiency […]

Introduction to Stata

Modern Languages Building (MLB), Room 2001A

Topics: By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to: Work with Stata, including using Do-files and using the help system. Get data into Stata and manage your data files Establish familiarity with your data Clean the data to prepare it for analysis Check for basic errors in the data Generate new variables […]

R package demo: gganimate and patchwork

Modern Languages Building (MLB), Room 2001A

This brief workshop will demonstrate the capabilities of two recent R packages, gganimate and patchwork. One package allows the data explorer to provide some lively enhancement to an otherwise static plot, without doing much more than standard plots with ggplot2. Likewise, the other package can seamlessly combine multiple ggplots of varying kinds into one cohesive […]

Advanced batch computing with Slurm on the Great Lakes cluster

Modern Languages Building (MLB), Room 2001A

OVERVIEW This workshop will cover some more advanced topics in cluster computing on the U-M Great Lakes Cluster. Topics to be covered include a review of common parallel programming models and basic use of Great Lakes; dependent and array scheduling; troubleshooting and analysis; a brief introduction to workflow scripting using bash; parallel processing in one […]

Introduction to the Great Lakes cluster and batch computing with Slurm

Modern Languages Building (MLB), Room 2001A

OVERVIEW This workshop will provide a brief overview of the components of the Great Lakes Cluster. The main body of the workshop will cover the resource manager and scheduler, creating submissions scripts to run jobs and the options available in them, and hands-on experience. By the end of the workshop, every participant should have created […]

Introduction to the Flux cluster and batch computing

Modern Languages Building (MLB), Room 2001A

Overview This workshop will provide a brief overview of the components of the Flux Cluster. The main body of the workshop will cover the resource manager and scheduler, creating submissions scripts to run jobs and the options available in them, and hands-on experience. By the end of the workshop, every participant should have created a […]

Advanced batch computing on the Flux cluster

Modern Languages Building (MLB), Room 2001A

This course will cover some more advanced topics in cluster computing on the U-M Flux Cluster. Topics to be covered include a review of common parallel programming models and basic use of Flux; dependent and array scheduling; advanced troubleshooting and analysis using checkjob, qstat, and other tools; and parallel debugging and profiling of C and […]

Introduction to the Flux cluster and batch computing

Modern Languages Building (MLB), Room 2001A

Overview This workshop will provide a brief overview of the components of the Flux Cluster. The main body of the workshop will cover the resource manager and scheduler, creating submissions scripts to run jobs and the options available in them, and hands-on experience. By the end of the workshop, every participant should have created a […]