Michigan State University’s Institute for Cyber-Enabled Research (ICER) is offering the following workshops in the coming weeks:
- May 27-28: Train the Trainers taught by Greg Wilson, creator and Executive Director of Software Carpentry. During this 2-day course participants will learn how to teach adults to program. In addition, participants will who wish to become certified as Software Carpentry instructors by completing 2 additional exercises after the course.
- June 4-5, 2015: Parallel Programming and Optimization with the the Intel Xeon Phi Coprocessor: Intel is offering a 2-day workshop at MSU. Join us for this updated and expanded series of software developer trainings in parallel programming using the Intel® Xeon PhiTM coprocessor. Registration is available on a first come first serve basis and a limited number of spots are available for second day of the workshop.