by U-M MICDE | Oct 19, 2017 | Educational, Events
The U-M Transportation Research Institute is hosting a day-long symposium on transportation safety research. Panel discussion topics include advanced human modeling and big data. The keynote speaker is Dr. Grant Baldwin, Ph.D., MPH, Director, Division of Unintentional...
by U-M MICDE | Oct 19, 2017 | Educational, Events
Justin Joque, U-M Library’s visualization librarian, is offering a workshop titled “Mapping Strategies for Complex Data.” Time: 2 – 3:30 p.m. Date: Wednesday, March 11 Location: Shapiro Instructional Lab, 4041 Shapiro Library Description: This...
by U-M MICDE | Oct 19, 2017 | Educational, Events
The U-M School of Social Work is offering a four-part lunch series on “Data Science Essentials.” For complete information and to register, see the event web site. Sessions will be held in Room 8870 of the School of Social Work, from noon to 1 p.m., and are...
by U-M MICDE | Oct 19, 2017 | Educational, Events
The SC15 conference in Austin, Texas, in November is taking applications for student volunteers. The deadline to apply is June 1. Conference organizers say they are accepting an increased number of students from the U.S. and internationally. Student volunteers can...
by U-M MICDE | Oct 19, 2017 | Educational, Events
The Great Lakes Consortium for Petascale Computation (GLCPC) has been allocated 3.5 million node hours (equivalent to approximately 50 million core hours) annually as part of the Blue Waters project. This allocation provides the GLCPC member institutions with an...
by U-M MICDE | Oct 19, 2017 | Educational, Events, Funding Opportunities
Applications are now being accepted for Michigan Institute for Computational Discovery and Engineering (MICDE) Fellowships for the 2015-2016 academic year. Applicants should be graduate students enrolled in either the CDE certificate program, or the Ph.D. program in...
by U-M MICDE | Oct 19, 2017 | Educational, Events, News
University of Michigan researchers and staff took part in demonstrations, talks and a “Parallel Computing 101” tutorial as part of the University’s presence at the Supercomputing 15 conference Nov. 15-20 at the Austin Convention Center in Austin,...
by U-M MICDE | Oct 19, 2017 | Educational, Events
The spring schedule has been set for on-campus high performance computing workshops sponsored by ARC. HPC100 — Introduction to the Linux Command Line for HPC 1 – 4 p.m., B737 East Hall Monday, May 11 This course will familiarize students with the basics of accessing...
by U-M MICDE | Oct 19, 2017 | Educational, Events
XSEDE16, the 5th annual conference of the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment, will take place July 17-21, 2016 in Miami. The conference will showcase the work of researchers who use XSEDE resources and services, as well as other digital resources...
by U-M MICDE | Oct 19, 2017 | Educational, Events
High school and college students are encouraged to participate in the XSEDE15 Student Program. XSEDE15, the fourth conference of XSEDE, the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment, will be held July 26-30, 2015, at the Marriott Renaissance Grand Hotel in...