by U-M MICDE | Feb 8, 2023
by U-M MICDE | Feb 8, 2023
by U-M MICDE | Feb 8, 2023
by U-M MICDE | Feb 8, 2023
by U-M MICDE | Feb 8, 2023
by U-M MICDE | Nov 15, 2022
High power laser plasma interactions are interesting for applications such as the generation of energetic, directional electron, photon, ion and neutron beams or inertial fusion energy. Because of the strong electric and magnetic fields that lead to extremely far from...
by U-M MICDE | Nov 15, 2022
Prof. Pozzi’s group is interested in developing new tools and techniques for the detection and characterization of special nuclear material: highly enriched uranium and weapons grade plutonium. Their research has applications in the areas of nuclear safeguards,...
by U-M MICDE | Nov 15, 2022
Martin’s research involves development of advanced methods for high fidelity analysis of nuclear reactors, with both Monte Carlo methods and deterministic methods. The methods utilize a high-dimensional phase space (7 independent variables) with large data...
by U-M MICDE | Nov 15, 2022
His research interests are the development of analytic and computational methods for nuclear reactor, neutron transport, nonlinear radiative transfer, electron transport and medical physics problems. (Essentially, anything concerning radiation interactions with...
by U-M MICDE | Nov 15, 2022
Brendan Kochunas is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Science. Dr. Kochunas work focus on high performance computing methods, especially parallel algorithms for the 3D Boltmann Transport Equation. He is the lead developer...