MICDE/ MCAIM seminar: Boyce Griffith, Professor at the University of North Carolina
East Hall - 1084Immersed methods for fluid-structure interaction
Immersed methods for fluid-structure interaction
Applications for the $4,500 2024-2025 MICDE Graduate Fellowships will open May 1, 2024. Please join this Zoom session to learn more about the fellowships and how to submit a great application!
The SciFM Summer School runs from July 8 to July 26. The first instance is going to be run in parallel at the University of Michigan (UM) and at Argonne […]
PhD in Scientific Computing director Eric Johnsen will speak about opportunities for undergraduate or master's students seeking a graduate education in Computation and Artificial Intelligence for Science and Engineering at the University of Michigan. Food will be provided. Please register to attend.
Bio, talk title, and abstract will be posted at the being of January.