PhD Seminar: Xintao Yan
Venue TBA MI, United StatesXintao Yan | Civil and Environmental Engineering & Scientific Computing | Simulating Naturalistic Driving Environment for Autonomous Vehicles
Xintao Yan | Civil and Environmental Engineering & Scientific Computing | Simulating Naturalistic Driving Environment for Autonomous Vehicles
Recent advances in Quantum Monte Carlo methods and new algorithms and development strategies to run efficiently on the largest supercomputers powered by GPU accelerators from NVIDIA, AMD and Intel.
Quantum algorithms for eigenvalue problems
Supercomputing at the exascale and beyond: future trends and challenges
Multi-scale modeling of the evolution of structure and properties in materials for nuclear energy applications
Women in Computational ScienceThe Women in Computational Science Symposium is the inaugural event for MICDE's DISCOVER (Diversity and Innovation in Scientific Computing: Opportunities for Valuing Exploration and Representation) mini-symposium series. This mini-symposium provides a unique opportunity to delve into the pioneering research conducted by women in computational science while also gaining insight into their personal […]
Cosmological Hydrodynamical Simulations and Machine Learning at the Intersection of Galaxy Formation and Cosmology
UQ for ML and ML for UQ: Why Uncertainty Quantification and Machine Learning Go Hand-in-Hand
MCMC, variational inference, and reverse diffusion Monte Carlo
Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Cavitating Flows