
Adaptive Deep Learning-Powered Multi-fidelity Stratified Sampling for Efficient Failure Analysis of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems (Xu) and A Hybrid Surrogate Modeling Framework for Digital Twins of Nuclear Energy Systems (Lim)
Event Series PhD Seminars

Ph.D. in Scientific Computing Student Seminars

4th floor conference room, Green Ct. 3520 Green Ct., Ann Arbor, MI, United States

Liuyun Xu (Civil Engineering): Adaptive Deep Learning-Powered Multi-fidelity Stratified Sampling for Efficient Failure Analysis of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems

Jasmin Lim (Aerospace Engineering): A Hybrid Surrogate Modeling Framework for Digital Twins of Nuclear Energy Systems

Michigan Institute for Computational Discovery & Engineering Ph.D. in Scientific Computing Seminar Series. Baudouin Fonkwa Kamga (Mechanical Engineering) will present on Numerical simulation of the collapse of a cavitation bubble near a deformable solid surface and Xinhai Hou (Bioinformatics) will present on Scalable foundation model training for computational pathology
Event Series PhD Seminars

Ph.D. in Scientific Computing Student Seminars

4th floor conference room, Green Ct. 3520 Green Ct., Ann Arbor, MI, United States

Baudouin Fonkwa Kamga (Mechanical Engineering): Numerical simulation of the collapse of a cavitation bubble near a deformable solid surface

Xinhai Hou (Bioinformatics): Scalable foundation model training for computational pathology