Ph.D. in Scientific Computing Student Seminars
Undergraduate Science Building - 1250Shuai Che (Nuclear Engineering & Radiological Sciences)
Shuai Che (Nuclear Engineering & Radiological Sciences)
How to use machine learning in the discovery and design of materials for the future?
Mahmoud Komaiha (Biomedical Engineering) & Zhucong Xi (Materials Science & Engineering)
Computational Science and High-Performance Computing at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Formally Verified Numerical Methods
Parthenon: a flexible framework for rapid development of performance portable multiphysics codes
Alexander Coppeans (Aerospace Engineering): Aerodynamic Shape Optimization with Curved Mesh Adaptation
Heaviside Composite Optimization, a new paradigm of optimization
Liuyun Xu (Civil Engineering): Adaptive Deep Learning-Powered Multi-fidelity Stratified Sampling for Efficient Failure Analysis of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems
Jasmin Lim (Aerospace Engineering): A Hybrid Surrogate Modeling Framework for Digital Twins of Nuclear Energy Systems
Baudouin Fonkwa Kamga (Mechanical Engineering): Numerical simulation of the collapse of a cavitation bubble near a deformable solid surface
Xinhai Hou (Bioinformatics): Scalable foundation model training for computational pathology