MICDE-EECS Seminar: Mikhail Belkin, Professor, University of California San Diego
1311 EECS 1301 Beal Ave., Ann Arbor, MI, United StatesEmergence and grokking in "simple" architectures
Emergence and grokking in "simple" architectures
Preet Baxi (Physics): Monitoring the fidelity of the LIGO detectors
Anthony Chen (Math): Fast Summation for Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
Sahil Bhola (Aerospace Engineering): Rounding uncertainity analysis for floating-point statistical models
Martin Macias Medellin (Political Science): Homogenous Cities? How Conflict and Politics Shape the Urban Topography
Samuel Ogunwale (Chemical Engineering): Chemical Engineering and Scientific Computing
Xin Zhang (Environmental Health Sciences): EHS and Scientific Computing
Zach Croft (Applied Physics): Applied Physics and Scientific Computing
Cassie Turner (Health Infrastructures & Learning Systems): Using weighting-based causal mediation analysis to calculate counterfactual disparity measures for access to weight management treatments