
Introduction to Stata: Data Management

Your Desktop

This is a series of workshops designed to introduce participants to the Stata software. No prior experience with Stata is required. The sections are: Section 1: The Basics of Stata - Interacting with Stata and working with data sets. (2/22 2-3:30) Section 2: Data Management - The basics of maintaining and exploring a data set. […]

Using GPUs with Python

Your Desktop

This workshop introduces Python GPU tools for porting and writing code that runs on GPUs.

Using GPUs with Python

Your Desktop

Python is the Lingua Franca of Data today and is being increasingly used in scientific computations. This workshop introduces Python GPU tools for porting and writing code that runs on GPUs. The primary tools, Numba and CuPy, are presented with examples. This workshop is presented by Kristopher Keipert of NVIDIA. This event is open to […]

CoreLogic property data

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The University of Michigan library system has licensed a large data set containing real estate transactions, deeds, and property tax records for the United States.  The data were collected by the commercial vendor CoreLogic, and our license allows UM researchers to use the data for research purposes.  These data are of potential interest to researchers […]

Introduction to Stata: Data Manipulation

Your Desktop

This is a series of workshops designed to introduce participants to the Stata software. No prior experience with Stata is required. The sections are: Section 1: The Basics of Stata - Interacting with Stata and working with data sets. (2/22 2-3:30) Section 2: Data Management - The basics of maintaining and exploring a data set. […]

Santo Fortunato

MICDE Seminar: Santo Fortunato, Director of the Indiana University Network Science Institute (IUNI), Professor, School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering (SICE), Indiana University at Bloomington

Zoom Event MI, United States

About Dr. Fortunato: Santo Fortunato is the Director of the Indiana University Network Science Institute (IUNI) and a faculty at Luddy School of Informatics, Computing and Engineering. Previously he was professor of complex systems at the Department of Computer Science of Aalto University, Finland. Prof. Fortunato got his PhD in Theoretical Particle Physics at the […]

PhD Seminar: Karthik Ganesan & Ryan Sandberg

Zoom Event MI, United States

KARTHIK GANESAN, GRADUATE STUDENT, PSYCHOLOGY & SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING Bio: Karthik is a 4th year PhD candidate in Psychology and Scientific Computing. He has a Bachelors and a Masters degree in Biomedical Engineering and a Masters in Psychology. He works in the multisensory perception lab with Dr. David Brang and studies how multisensory integration occurs in […]

GIS Fundamentals – V (Spatial Database – PostGIS)

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This is the fifth workshop in a series of workshops we are offering this semester on the fundamentals of GIS. Each workshop covers one or two key elements of GIS and is somewhat self-contained. The focus is on conceptual details that can provide sufficient preparation for applications, but we will also touch upon the technical […]

Software Development For Research: Version Control Principles

Your Desktop

Software development and computer programming is increasingly a major part of scientific research. Projects can quickly grow, and it can be difficult to manage changes, especially if multiple programmers are editing the same project at once! This workshop will cover Git, a commonly-used tool for managing coding projects with multiple users, with features to make […]