
GIS Fundamentals – IV (Digitization)

Your Desktop

This is the fourth workshop in a series of workshops we are offering this semester on the fundamentals of GIS. Each workshop covers one or two key elements of GIS and is self-contained. The focus is on conceptual details that can provide sufficient preparation for applications, but we will also touch upon the technical aspects. […]

Ph.D Seminar: Matthew Duschenes & Yi Zhu

Zoom Event MI, United States


Introduction to Stata: The Basics of Stata

Your Desktop

This is a series of workshops designed to introduce participants to the Stata software. No prior experience with Stata is required. The sections are: Section 1: The Basics of Stata - Interacting with Stata and working with data sets. (2/22 2-3:30) Section 2: Data Management - The basics of maintaining and exploring a data set. […]

Image Segmentation using Deep Learning with FastAI

Your Desktop

Like many image processing problems, deep learning has brought many effective solutions to the task of image segmentation. This workshop will introduce you to the methods used in image segmentation, demonstrate how to prepare your own segmentation masks using Matlab, and guide you through performing image segmentation using the FastAI Python library, which is built on […]

Software Development For Research: Best Practices for Coding Styles

Your Desktop

Software development and computer programming is increasingly a major part of scientific research. Having a consistent coding style and following basic best practices used in the industry can help make your code easier to read and manage, both internally in your teams and for public code projects available to other researchers. This workshop will cover […]

Introduction to Stata: Data Management

Your Desktop

This is a series of workshops designed to introduce participants to the Stata software. No prior experience with Stata is required. The sections are: Section 1: The Basics of Stata - Interacting with Stata and working with data sets. (2/22 2-3:30) Section 2: Data Management - The basics of maintaining and exploring a data set. […]

Using GPUs with Python

Your Desktop

This workshop introduces Python GPU tools for porting and writing code that runs on GPUs.

Using GPUs with Python

Your Desktop

Python is the Lingua Franca of Data today and is being increasingly used in scientific computations. This workshop introduces Python GPU tools for porting and writing code that runs on GPUs. The primary tools, Numba and CuPy, are presented with examples. This workshop is presented by Kristopher Keipert of NVIDIA. This event is open to […]