As part of the MICDE Seminar Series, Jim Belak of the Materials Science Division at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory will speak on campus Friday, Feb. 5.
Abstract: The advent of Advanced / Additive Manufacturing and the Materials Genome Initiative has placed significant emphasis on accelerating the qualification of new materials for use in real applications. Within these workflows lies both the engineering scale qualification through building and testing components at scale and full-scale modeling with integrated continuum computer codes and the materials scale qualification through revolutionary methods to non-destructively measure microstructure (3DXRD) and physics specific experiments coupled with meso-scale mechanics simulations of the same physics specific experiment using the same microstructure. This ICME process is one of the use cases that drives the Exascale Materials Co-design Center (ExMatEx). The goal of the Co-design Center is very analogous to the acceleration of new materials deployment within the MGI, rather co-design accelerates the deploying of laboratory concepts for future computer components to enable a productive exascale computer system. To enable better meso-scale understanding in the continuum models, ExMatEx is creating a direct coupling between the continuum integrated code and direct numerical simulation of the meso-scale phenomena. Here we review the ExMatEx project, and its use cases.
Bio: Jim Belak is an Applied Scientist in the Materials Science Division at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. His career has centered around the application of High Performance Computing to equilibrium and non-equilibrium problems in Condensed Matter Physics, including: order-disorder phase transition in solids; indentation, metal cutting and tribology of interfaces; shock propagation and spallation fracture; structure and dynamics of grain boundaries and defects in solids; and kinetics of phase evolution in extreme environments. These applications have required the development of new algorithms and application codes for emerging high performance parallel computers and the use of novel x-ray synchrotron techniques (3D x-ray tomography and small-angle x-ray scattering) to guide and validate the simulations. Currently, Jim co-leads the Exascale Co-design Center for Materials in Extreme Environments (ExMatEx).