
A simulation of magnetic reconnection in relativisitc plasma that may occur in astrophysical environments.

Courtesy of Qian Qian

An Auger-Meitner recombination, which is a non-radiative recombination process important in semiconductors.

Using first-principles calculations, you can see the distribution of participating quasiparticles (electrons, holes, phonons) in the system.

These images are cross sections from calculations in silicon and reveal the electronic and vibrational structure of the Auger-Meitner recombination process.

Courtesy of Kyle Bushick

Machine learning-informed phase field computation of ordered domains in a lithium cobalt oxide battery.

Courtesy of Krishna Garikipati

MICDE Catalyst Program

Research projects in computational science that combine elements of mathematics, computer science, and cyberinfrastructure.

MICDE Catalyst Grants are awarded to tenure track or research track faculty at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor for innovative research projects in computational science.

Focus Areas

MICDE’s depth and breadth of innovation in computational science is reflected in our affiliated faculty’s discoveries, groundbreaking ideas and achievements. Our research centers highlight new tools and methodologies being develop at U-M to accelerate and expand scientific discovery.


Computational Physics


Applied Mathematics

Data-driven, Machine Learning, and AI

Health and Medicine


Complex Systems Summer School

Program Overview Complex Systems Summer School (CSSS) offers an intensive four-week introduction to complex behavior in mathematical, physical, living, and social systems. CSSS brings together graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and professionals to transcend...