MICDE Ph.D. Student Seminars 2023-2024: Guoer Liu
2022 South Thayer BuildingWhen Is Big Data Biased?
When Is Big Data Biased?
Computational Methods in Chemistry
This event is the first of its kind, dedicated to scientific foundation models (SciFM), that are set to revolutionize science in the same way Generative AI has transformed natural language. […]
This event is the first of its kind, dedicated to scientific foundation models (SciFM), that are set to revolutionize science in the same way Generative AI has transformed natural language. […]
Applications for the $4,500 2024-2025 MICDE Graduate Fellowships will open May 1, 2024. Please join this Zoom session to learn more about the fellowships and how to submit a great application!
The educational programs represented are: PhD in Scientific Computing (MICDE) Graduate Certificate in Computational Discovery & Engineering (MICDE) Graduate Certificate in Computational Neuroscience (MICDE) Graduate Certificate in Data Science (MIDAS) […]
The educational programs represented are: PhD in Scientific Computing (MICDE) Graduate Certificate in Computational Discovery & Engineering (MICDE) Graduate Certificate in Computational Neuroscience (MICDE) Graduate Certificate in Data Science (MIDAS) […]
Zoom link Abstract: Simulating complex physical systems often requires joining non-uniform subsystems, which may be characterized by different geometries or mesh topologies. Coupling these separate subsystems often relies on time-intensive […]
This year’s focus of the Advanced Computational Science & Engineering Showcase (ACES) mini-symposium is connecting advanced algorithms, artificial intelligence (AI), and high-performance computing (HPC) architectures to advance scientific discovery. The […]
Discovery of Cellular Reprogramming Methodology Through Single-cell Foundation Models