MICDE Ph.D. Student Seminar: Haowei Sun
2022 South Thayer BuildingTera City: Accurate and Efficient AV Safety Performance Evaluation
Tera City: Accurate and Efficient AV Safety Performance Evaluation
High-Fidelity Multiphysics Modeling of Nuclear Microreactor
Gradient-Based Multidisciplinary Design Optimization for Propeller Design | Validation of a multivariate non-Gaussian, non-stationary wind pressure simulation model for performance-based wind engineering
Active Learning for Physics Informed Data Sampling and Construction of Free Energy Representations
When Is Big Data Biased?
Computational Methods in Chemistry
PhD in Scientific Computing director Eric Johnsen will speak about opportunities for undergraduate or master's students seeking a graduate education in Computation and Artificial Intelligence for Science and Engineering at the University of Michigan. Food will be provided. Please register to attend.