Monica Valluri, Astronomy
This month, MICDE welcomed Monica Valluri, Research Professor of Astronomy, as an Associate Director. Prof.Valluri’s research is on the theoretical framework of Galactic Dynamics. Dr. Valluri uses galactic dynamics to interpret and model motions of stars observed with state-of-the-art telescopes using new and powerful numerical methods. Her work has led to important insights into how these dark components influence the structure and evolution of galaxies. In 2016, she won the University of Michigan Research Faculty Achievement Award for her or her outstanding research and teaching career in theoretical galaxy dynamics. In 2019, Prof. Valluri and a team of international collaborators were awarded an MICDE Catalyst Grant, “Determining the 3D Shape of Milky Way’s Dark Matter Halo” that has lead to several federally funded grants.

Annette Ostling, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Prof. Valluri’s appointment succeeds former Associate Director Annette Ostling, Associate Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. We thank Prof. Ostling for her service to MICDE. Her contributions to the growth and resiliency of MICDE have been numerous over the last five years.