MICDE Fellow Information Form

Please use the form below to provide us with the necessary information to create your MICDE Fellow web page.

MICDE Fellow Information Form

The information you provide will be used to create your MICDE fellow page that we publish on our website.

Please provide the academic year when you became an MICDE Fellow (e.g.: 2023-2024).
(i.e.: Mechanical Engineering, School of Public Health)
Name of your advisor.
MICDE enrollment(Required)
Please indicate which MICDE program you are enrolled in.
Please upload a high resolution picture of yourself.
Accepted file types: jpg, png, Max. file size: 100 MB.
Please provide a short description about your research.
Research Methodologies(Required)
Please check all that applies.
Please list additional methodologies if you couldn't find all that apply to your research in the previous section.