by Eszter Haseli | Oct 24, 2023
Crosscutting Activities in Materials Research (XC) is responsible for coordinating and supporting crosscutting initiatives within the Division of Materials Research (DMR) and across the National Science Foundation (NSF). XC focuses on promoting diversity and...
by Eszter Haseli | Oct 24, 2023
The EDSE (Engineering Design and Systems Engineering) program supports fundamental research in design science and systems science. It focuses on advancing knowledge about the design of engineered artifacts, such as devices, products, processes, and systems. The...
by Eszter Haseli | Oct 24, 2023
The ECI (Engineering for Civil Infrastructure) program supports fundamental research in geotechnical, structural, materials, architectural, and coastal engineering. It focuses on shaping the future of civil infrastructure, including climate change adaptation, hazards...
by Eszter Haseli | Oct 24, 2023
The MOMS (Mechanics of Materials and Structures) program supports fundamental research in mechanics related to deformable materials and structures. It seeks transformative advances in experimental, theoretical, and computational methods. Proposals should contribute to...
by Eszter Haseli | Oct 24, 2023
Limited Submission. Internal competitions are announced here: MRI provides support to acquire critical research instrumentation without which advances in fundamental science and engineering research may not otherwise occur. MRI also provides...
by Eszter Haseli | Oct 24, 2023
Last deadline was October 2022. The purpose of the Cyberlearning for Work at the Human-Technology Frontier program is to fund exploratory and synergistic research in learning technologies to prepare learners to excel in work at the human-technology frontier. This...
by Eszter Haseli | Oct 24, 2023
Last deadline was 5/16/2022 The overarching goal of this program is to prepare, nurture and grow the national scientific workforce for creating, utilizing, and supporting advanced cyberinfrastructure (CI) that enables cutting-edge science and engineering and...
by Eszter Haseli | Oct 24, 2023
The CMMT (Condensed Matter and Materials Theory) program supports theoretical and computational materials research in various areas, including condensed matter physics, biomaterials, ceramics, electronic and photonic materials, metals and metallic nanostructures,...
by Eszter Haseli | Oct 24, 2023
The Tectonics Program supports a broad range of field, laboratory, computational, and theoretical investigations aimed at understanding the deformation of the terrestrial continental lithosphere (i.e. above the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary). The Program focuses...
by Eszter Haseli | Oct 24, 2023
The Petrology and Geochemistry Program supports basic research on the formation of planet Earth, including its accretion, early differentiation, and subsequent petrologic and geochemical modification via igneous and metamorphic processes. Proposals in this program...