by U-M MICDE | Sep 27, 2023
Weaving enables us to create complex geometries with unique properties. Basketweaving, for example, can achieve stiff three-dimensional shapes by combining flexible fibers. I am developing computational models that can simulate woven geometries to understand how...
by U-M MICDE | Sep 26, 2023
I am working on creating equity-aware natural hazard risk models to quantify the drivers of disproportionate risk. Because current models only quantify risk for the built environment, my research studies risk in terms of both social and physical vulnerabilities.
by U-M MICDE | Sep 26, 2023
Developing probabilistic frameworks for efficient uncertainty quantification and reliability assessment of high-rise systems against natural hazards leveraging data-driven and artificial intelligent techniques
by U-M MICDE | Sep 26, 2023
Task Allocation for Human-AI Teaming by Deep Reinforcement Learning
by U-M MICDE | Sep 22, 2023
My research goal is to understand computation in large-scale neural circuits through adaptive perturbations and real-time inference. My lab develops scalable and efficient machine learning algorithms to adaptively build models of neural and behavioral data online, and...
by U-M MICDE | Sep 5, 2023
Prof. Ravi’s research revolves around bringing together expertise from quantum computing, classical computing, and often from the sciences, to build toward a hybrid computing ecosystem for practical quantum advantage. Research thrusts include: Classical...
by U-M MICDE | Sep 5, 2023
Prof. Kiedrowski’s research focuses on the development of advanced algorithms and software for the solution of the linearized Boltzmann equation applied to particle transport for a broad range of nuclear applications. Specific activities include the effective...
by U-M MICDE | Sep 5, 2023
Dr. Majdi Radaideh leads the AIMS lab (Artificial Intelligence and Multiphysics Simulations), which focuses on the intersection between reactor design, nuclear multiphysics modeling and simulation, advanced computational methods, and machine learning algorithms to...
by U-M MICDE | Sep 5, 2023
Prof Shen’s research interest is in Biomedical AI, which lies in the interdisciplinary areas of machine learning, computer vision, signal and image processing, medical image analysis, biomedical imaging, and data science. She is particularly interested in...
by U-M MICDE | Sep 5, 2023
Prof. Venkat’s research is focusing on multi-scale differentiable computational simulations of electrochemical systems, machine learning guided optimization of energy materials, scientific foundation models and differentiable physical simulations.